Friday, January 27, 2012

The First Technology

Time for What?

The above link is an interesting read with thoughts about time and its impact on learning. Much of it high school focused but still worth the mention.

What if we weren't hemmed in, or were less hemmed in by the clock when it comes to learning?

Share any thoughts you have about time and education in the comments below.

"The thing we have become worst at in our schools is helping students get ready for anything except more secondary schooling. We usually do nothing to even prepare students for universities, much less anything else, and here, time is the key factor. How do you choose to "study?" Where do you choose to "study"? and of course, When do you choose to "study"? Those key questions which determine university success in many ways are completely blocked from the primary and secondary experience because we insist on running our students as if they were a (French, not American) train system, with every moment accounted for. How, with your clock training, will your students even know what to do with themselves if they get a job where some of the time-use decisions are theirs?"  Ira Socol

photo credit: Gilderic (Very very slow internet connection) via photopin cc


  1. I started reading this article and found it interesting and thought provoking. I stopped reading after a few minutes and here is why: So many theories about how to make education better for our kids, so where to you start and stop with all of that? It frustrates me to think we are so boxed in with our education modalities that it is almost impossible to try something new when in actuality do we know that what we are currently doing is so great? In some instances we do recognize that something might not be working as well as we thought it would. For example, the everyday math program is not the right program for all kids and we needed to supplement it with some rote learning and now we have a program that is better but still frustrates many parents and probably students as well. Thanks for including me on this blog. I look forward to deepening my understanding of the education system and I hope to be a part of what AVS does to step out of the box. What have we got to lose?

  2. Thanks for your thoughts on this article.

    I hear your frustration about feeling boxed into a system that may not deliver learning in a effective manner. At this time I am hopeful that we can focus on our school's positive characteristics and keeping them intact add the effective theories and ideas that we are reviewing and hearing about in articles like this one.

    I believe that we have much to lose if we do nothing about evolving the teaching and learning at AVS and I am excited that we are beginning on this journey and that there are so many involved in getting there. There will be hurdles, frustrations and hard work to get there but the more of us the merrier!
